Skinbased Blogit
Hae inspiraatiota meidän reissuista ja muista jännittävistä Skinbased hiihtoretkistä, tekniikkaohjeisiin ja satunnaiseen suksien valmistamiseen ja sielunmaisemaan, blogeistamme löytyy jokaiselle jotakin. Valitse postaus, joka saa sinut innostumaan ja lue lisää!

A Pallas Moment
I slip on the pair of well-worn leather boots, jet black and still shining from last week’s waxing. The boots are hand-me-downs from my telemark mentor, and must be nearly...

Skinbased's XCD Heritage
There is a unique freedom that comes from being on skis in the backcountry. Moving smoothly and seamlessly, elegantly weaving not only a path, but an adventure, though the ups and downs of the rolling hills is when we feel most alive. And it is the sport of XCD skiing that will unfailingly bring us these moments this winter, as it has for many, many winters past.